Community Benefits for the Clara on MLK
A Blueprint Development Consulting Partnership
Summary of the Project

The Clara on Martin Luther King (MLK) Jr. Avenue LLC , an entity owned and controlled by Medina Living Ideas for Family Excellence Community Development Corporation and Banneker Ventures, LLC will develop 2311-2323 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE.
The six story building will be comprised of 81 units of affordable rental housing with approximately 6,000 sq. ft. of retail space and 7,800 sq. ft. of ground floor community space dedicated for residents and public use, along with underground surface parking spaces.

Training Oppportunities
FREE Pre-recorded Resident Development Workshops and Small Business Training are now available.
As a benefit to the Clara on MLK project, Blueprint is committed to providing training and development to local residents and small businesses in the Ward 8 community. If you weren't able to attend the live trainings, we have provided links to view below.